Friday, May 16, 2008

cookies and ruby on rails

The cookies object looks like a hash, but it isn't really.

# this sets a cookie

# this does not retrieve a cookie
value = cookies[:key]

# but this does
value = cookies["key"]

link to documentation ActionController::Cookies

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Acts_as_rated .. Rating Users

acts_as_rated is another solid plugin written by Guy Naor .

The issue I had was I wanted a user to be able to rate another user ???

From what I could tell the issue was that inorder to do this , was that the relationship now become a self referential join rather than a has_one or has_many relationship. What I did was to create a model User - has_one :user_rating and UserRating was added as acts_as_ratable. Any ways if you look within the code, there is a way of adding a statistics table, rather than changing your current model table. Which is all this is really doing and you still have the benefits of all the good stuff Guy wrote.

Also outside of the scope of rating the User model I also made significant changes to fit my use case. Overall the code is clean and easy to follow. The changes I made are for example lets say you wanted to rate actors of movies. But you wanted to allow users to rate an actor more than once based on the movie they performed on. So you would allow a user to rate Brad Pitt for the movie Seven, and Oceans 11.. etc. This was a very simple change requiring to add the ... in this case movie_id to the ratings table, and adding the condition to queries in the rate and rate_by functions.
Also it doesn't save to the decimals for example 7.5. I had to change the precision of the rating_avg columns.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Very good write up by Neeraj on class_eval stmt in ruby. Overriding, adding methods at runtime. Also make sure to read the comments.

Link to article

Monday, May 5, 2008

Starbox for rating in Ruby on Rails

So graphically I chose the starbox library ( Starbox Link ). Nick Stakenburg I think has done a good job. I am not an expert in js by any means, but its small, and pretty customizable. Also this library is built using prototype and scriptaculous (effects.js), so for rails these are already included. If anyone knows why this isn't a good library please leave a comment. Anyways.. so integration.

* I just realized with latest starbox he has changed the license. Currently I am using an older version with a MIT license. I have created hosting for this project here open-starbox project. Please update with any changes you make to integrate with latest prototype or scriptaculous, if you plan on using.

  • Paths : overlayImages path. When using a nested route , such as /path/id/path/id. I believe this library reads as a relative path .. so passing in "../images/starbox/" .. it tries to retrieve image from path /path/id/images/starbox , and obviously this is not the correct path. This took awhile to figure out. So for now I'm just hard coding the path in the starbox.js file. Besides for this project the path will be static anyways and won't be changing.
  • Parameters : I've had to continue to modify the open starbox library and add to attributes to be passed, the ratedId, and raterId. My use case is where the logged in user, can rate multiple users, but one or multiple, when using the Ajax.request the two id's are needed for the acts_as_rated.   
  • Ajax.request & rails security : this could be a whole blog posting by itself , and I may have to revisit sometime. But when implementing code
    within the controller it throws this Exception - ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken ??? This security answer link is an answer, but I still don't think this is the best way to do it. Prototype is not passing security token. Update : seems to resolved itself.. very odd.

Note: 05/07/08 the integration of starbox js lib, is correct. acts_as_rated, although is good, can not use to rate User model refer to ruby forge. Look for later post on integration

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Scheduled Tasks with Ruby

I need a scheduled task to run, it needs to query the database once a day, and the rows returned need to have a flag updated. Easy enough. So whats the best way to do it ? The hell if I know.
I found this link - Ruby wiki: running background process
and there were quite a few solutions they provided and these solutions are pretty much what everyone else suggests. Well I guess.. depending on your needs, any of these will work.

The biggest decision would be do you want the process to execute when some action is taken, or do you want it to just fire at specified intervals.

For me I will end up probably using a combination of these, but for my first I will try RunnerScript.
Execute controller with Runner script

Thinking about it.. I can probably just use curl and fire off some url at the same time using cron ?. No one has mentioned this solution , that i found so far.. but would live under the same restrictions as the rest of these no ?

curl + cron

creating a rake task


Background jobs in ruby on rails
scheduling tasks in ruby on rails